Grant Applications

CME Activity Funding – Northern Lights/Constellations Conference



Innovation Grant

PICO(S)(T) is a helpful acronym that can be used to formulate a research question- By using the PICO(S)(T) framework, researchers can create a clear and focused research question that is specific to their research goals. It can help in selecting relevant studies, designing a research protocol, identifying relevant data for extraction, and analyzing the findings.

Population/Patient/Problem: Who is the population of interest? What is the health condition or problem being studied?
Intervention/Exposure: What is the intervention or exposure being studied? What is the specific treatment or intervention that is being tested?
Comparison: What is the alternative intervention or exposure that will be compared to the intervention being studied? This is not always applicable, depending on the type of study being conducted.
Outcome: What is the outcome of interest? What is the specific outcome or measure that will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention or exposure being studied?
Study design and Time frame: What type of study design will be used to answer the research question? In what period (period of data collection and/or study timeline)- These are not always included in the acronym, but can be added 

FINER: is a helpful acronym that can help ensure that a research question is well-defined and can guide the research process effectively. It is important to note that while a research question does not necessarily need to meet all of the following criteria, it should meet as many as possible to increase the likelihood of a successful and impactful research project.  FINER stands for:

Feasible: Is the research question feasible in terms of time, resources, and ethical considerations?
Interesting: Is the research question interesting and important enough to warrant investigation?
Novel: Is the research question original or innovative in some way, or does it contribute to existing knowledge?
Ethical: Does the research question raise any ethical concerns or implications, and can they be addressed appropriately?
Relevant: Is the research question relevant to the field of study and can it potentially have practical implications?